Episode 12: Methods of Mayhem by Methods of Mayhem

Roach Koach is back with the most violent episode they have ever recorded. This week Jenny and Lorin dive deep into the mind of Tommy Lee and his attempt to cash in on the nu-metal craze with Methods of Mayhem. Topics discussed: Did this album break the spirit of Roach Koach show producer Matt Naas? Did it break our hosts? Has anyone ever said "no" to Tommy Lee? Does listening to this album make your life worse? Most importantly, is it worthy of the Nu-Metal Canon? All this and a report on Roach Koach at the Detroit Improv Festival. Take a moment to rate and review Roach Koach on iTunes, like Roach Koach on Facebook and follow @RoachKoach on Twitter. 

Episode 11: Life is Peachy by Korn

Jenny and Lorin return from a nu-metal vacation to assess Korn's sophomore album, Life is Peachy. Matt Naas returns from normal vacation to assist with engineering and production. Topics discussed: What is Jonathan Davis saying? Is he saying "Burn"? Is he hard to understand because his mouth is full of band member flesh? What did the Angel Ross Robinson have to do with all this? Most importantly, does Korn finally get a whole album in the nu-metal canon? Plus, a dramatization of the first day of work at AZLyrics.com. Please rate and review us on iTunes and say hello on Facebook and on Twitter, @roachkoach. 

Episode 10: Slipknot by Slipknot

This week Lorin and Jenny return to the Indigo Basement to listen to another Ross Robinson production, the debut album from Slipknot. Topics covered: Does this album turn Jenny into a mom? What does it take to join Slipknot? Is the pit activated? And most importantly, does this album belong in the Nu-Metal Canon? Put on your red jumpsuit and listen up to this new episode of Roach Koach. Thanks again to Eric Haenke for helping record this episode. Please take a moment to share with your friends and rate the show on iTunes. 

Episode 9: The Burning Red by Machine Head

This week on the podcast, Lorin and Jenny return to the renamed Indigo Basement to analyze 1999's The Burning Red by Machine Head. Topics covered: Is this album even nu metal? Robb Flynn- Real man? Does the rapping on "From This Day" evoke a certain 80's teen film? All this and more on this episode of Roach Koach. Once again a big thanks to Eric Haenke for the production and engineering assistance. If you like the podcast, please share on Facebook and Twitter, like us on Facebook and please review us on iTunes. 

Episode 8: The Gift of Game by Crazy Town

It was bound to happen sooner or later, in this case, sooner. Jenny and Lorin spend some time listening to and dealing with Crazy Town's debut album, The Gift of Game as they consider it for the Nu Metal Canon. Questions asked: How many members are in this band? What are their names? How many names do they have? Can anyone keep those names straight? Is Shifty Shellshock still alive? All this and the origin of Little Lolita in this episode of the Roach Koach podcast. Big thanks again to Eric Haenke for the production assistance. Please share, say hi to us on Twitter and Facebook and give us a rating on iTunes. 

Episode 7: Hybrid Theory by Linkin Park

This week on the podcast Lorin and Jenny re-clarify what nu-metal is while doing an indepth analysis of the ten million selling debut album from Linkin Park. Topics discussed: Will this album harsh your mellow? Is Mike Shinoda a bad rapper or just ok and a little cocky? Can a man in a turtle neck be intimidating? All this and more on this episode of Roach Koach. Jenny and Lorin send sincere thanks to Eric Haenke for his production assistance, insight, and hospitality. Please take a moment to rate and review Roach Koach on iTunes. 

Episode 6: Hed PE by Hed PE

This time around, Lorin and Jenny discuss the first album from nu metal underdogs Hed PE. Is this the album that would have changed the life of a young Jenny? Are these the worst produced drums that Lorin has ever heard? Are the lyrics despicable? Most important, does this album belong in the Nu Metal Canon? Take a listen to find out! Also some nu metal news! Please rate and review in iTunes! Tell your friends about the show and visit @roachkoach on twitter!

Episode 5: Devil Without a Cause by Kid Rock

The episode that nearly broke us. Kid Rock's diamond selling, world crushing, career-making Devil Without a Cause. Topics discussed:  How important was a hot tub in the making of this album? Is "Cowboy" a great song or a terrible song? The mysteries of a Kid Rock set list. Kid Rock, Jack of all trades or just "ok"? And most important, does this album belong in the Nu Metal Canon? Take a listen! 

Episode 4: Infest by Papa Roach

In this episode, Lorin and Jenny consider the debut album by their namesake, Papa Roach. Topics include: Coby Dick, is he a babe? Is this album dumb? Does Papa Roach stand by their lyrics? Should you throw out all your material possessions because Papa Roach tells you to? Most important, does Infest belong in the Nu Metal Canon? Listen and find out! Logo by Mark Rudolph. 

Episode 2: Three Dollar Bill, Yall$ by Limp Bizkit

In this episode, Lorin and Jenny discuss their deep love and admiration for Limp Bizkit, the importance of Wes Borland, the sly salesmanship of Fred Durst, and the time Jenny lost a tooth at a Limp Bizkit show. The always helpful and knowledgeable Matt Naas contributes some interesting Suicidal Tendencies facts. Does Three Dollar Bill, Yall$ belong in the Nu Metal canon? Find out here!